Dr. Ericka Olson


15 Minute Consultation

During this personalized consultation, you'll have the opportunity to discuss your specific health concerns with our experienced practitioners. We'll explain how acupuncture works, its benefits, and how it fits into the broader framework of Chinese medicine. Whether you're dealing with chronic pain, stress, digestive issues, women's health issues, cosmetic acupuncture, microneedling, or simply looking to enhance your overall well-being, our consultation will provide you with valuable insights into natural and holistic healing methods.

Dr. Ericka Olson



Acupuncture uses thin pre sterilized, single use needles in strategic points on the body to produce a therapeutic effect. Acupuncture can treat a variety of of health concerns including pain, anxiety, stress, and many health issues.

Dr. Ericka Olson


Cosmetic Acupuncture

Aging is a natural process, but cosmetic acupuncture is a minimally invasive treatment that can help! This procedure will reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles, even out your skin tone, and tighten the skin. Your treatments will address specific facial concerns while treating the underlying root cause leaving you feeling younger and refreshed.

Dr. Ericka Olson


Facial Lymphatic Drainage

Facial Lymphatic Drainage massage will reduce facial edema and puffiness. The use of facial cupping and gua sha will help to drain toxins from the skin, and improve discoloration resulting in a more lifted and sculpted face.

Dr. Ericka Olson



This specialized treatment uses an oscillating pen with a single use needle resulting in mini traumas to the skin. This causes the skin to turnover and increase cellular growth which aids in the reduction of fine line, wrinkles, scars, and discoloration. Microneedling also allows for deep penetration of topical serums which are vital for skin health.

Dr. Ericka Olson


Nutritional Therapy

Nutritional Therapy will help to support your body throughput each season. Based in Traditional Chinese Medicine and the five different elements we will design a plan to fit with your lifestyle and goals. Every season has specific food to support your system not only nutritionally but energetically as well and will leave you working toward your best self.

Dr. Ericka Olson



Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing. Reiki balances the Chakra system and can heal a variety of physical and emotional conditions including pain, anxiety, and stress. Reiki uses light touch to move universal energy throughout the body.